Cloud-based service

Bizzjoiner runs as a cloud-based subscription service, Saas. This means that you do not need to think about infrastructure, expensive investment or complicated implementation. A customer portal created with Bizzjoiner is fully customizable and is based on a robust framework running in Microsoft's cloud Azure.

Encrypted traffic, encrypted information

All handling of information in Bizzjoiner is done with the help of powerful encryption. This means that when the information is stored on the Azure servers, it is encrypted in such a way that it is only possible to read by Bizzjoiner's internal routines.

All network traffic between the user's computer and Bizzjoiner is also encrypted in such a way that it is not possible to intercept. For example, if you or your customers use an open Wi-Fi network, you can still be sure that the information sent back and forth is not possible to intercept someone else.

The customer portal thus becomes significantly safer than traditional e-mail. Only logged in, administrator-verified users will be able to log in and share information.

Fault-tolerant load balanced operation with redundant file storage

The services that the customer portal information runs on is highly reliable. They run in Microsoft's data center with both high internal and external security. See documentation Microsoft's documentation->.

The configuration created for Bizzjoiner in Microsoft Azure means that the solution is based on a load balancer that enables multiple server scaling and enables maintenance work such as rebooting during operation.

All information is stored on redundant discs to ensure there is no single-point-of-failure. 

Geosafe, daily backup

However, if a disaster still occurs that affects the entire infrastructure in one of Microsoft's data centers, there is still a disaster plan for it. The daily backup of the system is stored Georeduntant, which means that it is always replicated between Microsoft's different data centers in Europe.

The information never leaves Europe, which means that there is always EU legislation on personal data, government inspections etc that apply to the solution.